
Career & Alumni

If you cannot open "Request for Issuance of Certificates" file

Please submit a request letter with the title "Request for Issuance Certificates" including the following information:

1. Full Name (when attended), *If your name has changed since graduated, write down your current name, as well.
Please Note: We only issue certificates with attended name.
2. Date of Birth
3. Student ID *if you remember it.
4. Nationality
5. Present Address
6. Phone number / Email address
7. Date of Enrollment / Date of Graduation
8. Attended Program / Course Name e.g. Name of School / College / Major
9. Select type of certificate(s) e.g. Completion / Academic Record / Enrolment / Other specified form etc.
10. Number of copies for each type of certificate(s)
11. Purpose of use and intended recipient
12. Necessary to be inserted in officially sealed envelope
If your records must be received in an official envelope with a school stamp across the flap, please inform us.

※Please check the processing time at the Website . It is not included delivery time.
※If you wish to request / receive certificate(s) by postal mail, be sure to enclose a self-addressed envelope with Japanese postage stamp(s)

(郵送先)〒305-8577 茨城県つくば市天王台1-1-1
(Office address)
Division of Educational Promotion
Department of Educational Promotion
University of Tsukuba
1-1-1Tennodai, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki-ken 〒305-8577

※We DO NOT accept to request Issuance of certificates by FAX and Email.