

【To applicants】Measures to prevent the infection with new coronavirus

Concerning the new type of coronavirus, cases have been confirmed in Japan and there is a concern that the infection will spread in the future.

When it comes to individual cough etiquette, it is important to take general measures against infectious diseases, along with the cold and flu prevention.
We ask you to use a mask, tissue handkerchief, or sleeve to cover your mouth and nose in case you sneeze or cough, and to regularly wash your hands with hand soap and disinfectant.

Please, pay special attention to those who plan on taking individual examinations (first and second semesters), privately funded international student entrance examinations, comprehensive science and engineering degree program (Bachelor) entrance examinations, and school group 狗万app足彩,狗万滚球 course entrance examinations.

In addition, we ask you to always check the latest information and take measures against infectious diseases.

University of Tsukuba
Division of Admission for Undergraduate
e-mail: gm.nyusika#@#un.tsukuba.ac.jp
(Remove "#" from the above e-mail address before sending mail.)

Celebrating the 151st 50th Anniversary of the University of Tsukuba
Celebrating the 151st 50th Anniversary of the University of Tsukuba