Students Information List
Precautions toward participating in class, etc. on campus (Timing of moving to the residence halls)
Regarding Health Examination at University Health Center
Regarding 2020 Student Health Examination, the Deadline of the Online Health Survey is Extended!
Preparation for the Learning Environment under the Change in Policy for Mode of Operation Based on the COVID-19 Situation
Change in Policy for the Mode of Operation Based on the COVID-19 Situation
How to spend during the spring semester
1) How to spend until the start of class
4) Orientation, etc.
3) Online Orientation/for the beginning of the new semester (Beginner's Guide for New Students)
Mental health care relevant to COVID-19
2) Items to be distributed such as Student ID Card and Course Catalog, etc. (After April 6)
【Postponed】Regular medical checkups conducted in April 2020