
ドイツ?ボーフム市名誉メダル(Ehrenplakette der Stadt Bochum)
名誉教授 相澤 啓一


相澤 啓一 名誉教授は、つくば市とボーフム市(ドイツ)の関係強化に長年貢献された事が評価され、ボーフム市名誉メダルを受賞し、11月11日にThomas Eiskirchボーフム市長よりメダルを贈呈されました。


Professor Emeritus AIZAWA Keiichi was awarded the Medal of Honor of the City of Bochum by Mayor Thomas Eiskirch on November 11 for his longstanding contributions to strengthening the relationship between the cities of Tsukuba and Bochum in Germany. This medal is awarded to those who have made significant contributions to the prosperity of Bochum. During his stint at the university, Professor Emeritus AIZAWA was instrumental in the signing of an academic agreement between the University of Tsukuba and the University of Bochum. Moreover, he was able to expand this relationship into a city-to-city partnership, with the two cities eventually signing an agreement in 2019.

He has continued to contribute to the friendship between the two cities by serving as an interpreter when the Bochum delegation came to Tsukuba for the signing ceremony in 2019 and when the Mayor of Tsukuba visited Bochum in November 2022.

